Monday, August 4, 2008

It's Monday, let's go to the ER..

For the past few days Nathan has complained of severe pain in his abdomen. It seemed to be worse every day, so this morning we went to the ER and spent the entire day. When the doctor examined him, the pain was localized to the area of the appendix and it was VERY painful. They ran blood tests, urinalysis, ct scan, everything was negative, so they shot him up with morphine and sent him home. I could say alot more about this visit, but I am way too tired and nothing has been resolved. He is still in pain.

2 comments: said...

I am so sorry he is hurting. Life is definately not fair..tell him I love him. I used to get apendex attacks when I was a kid but they never did anything about it. I remember it really hurt! Sorry, Nathan. JOdie

Emily A. said...

Poor guy! I had a gall bladder attack once so I can relate to the pain. Maybe he is working out so much playing his Wii that he is sore in a weird spot. I hope he feels better soon!