Monday, August 18, 2008

A Book Review

This weekend I read a book called Elder Rage or Take My Father Please by Jaqueline Marcell. It is an excellent book for those who are caregivers of elderly relatives. If you read this blog in April and May, I posted almost every day on my adventures with Larry's parents and the problems we were having. I have since deleted those posts. The problems have eased a little, but it is only a matter of time until we are back in the trenches with them again. Ms. Marcell has written a humorous, yet poignant book about dealing with her Jekyll and Hyde father and her sweet co-dependent mother. There were many parallels to what has been happening to my in-laws, to the trials and tribulations she had with her parents. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in dealing with stubborn, angry, and non-cooperative parents. I couldn't put this book down once I started it. It puts difficult issues in a humorous perspective, which I found quite enjoyable. There are many suggestions on how to deal with elderly parents and numerous references to resources that can help in the final pages of this book.

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